
Showing posts from February, 2022

History of the Indus Culture: Two Overviews

 This blog entry compares and contrasts the approach of two sources covering the development of the Indus culture that took place around the same time that the Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures began.  The broader approach with a large overview of all three cultures is covered by author Patrick Bresnan in Chapter One of Awakening: A History of Eastern Thought . The more detailed approach covering the history of the Indus culture as related to artifacts found in a few cities is covered in the video Indus: An Unvoiced Civilization. I watched the video before reading the chapter. This gave me a better idea of what the Indus culture was like from the perspective of the three cities that were the main focus in the video.  The video covered detail that was not in the the first chapter of the book.  There were several key points in the video that were hardly mentioned at all in the book. For example, the seal system and the visuals of the discovery of ten new characters from the Indus hierog